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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NFB: HIGHRISE - 360° Interactive (Donna, Chicago)

Highrise(Out my window) is a documentary which tells about a lot of different people living in different city. This tells how people feels different by just looking out of their window. My character is Donna who lives in Chicago.

She is married and she has a son. His son was shot in leg. Well in fact, she was also shot by a man when she was 13 years old. She was doing a jumping rope and one man came to her. Then, he shot her. She did not know she was shot until her friend told her she was shot. She requires some new environment.

This is what she can see from out her window. She really can not open her window because building she used to live in is being destroyed. When she open her window, all dust is going to come in. She can see her old house being demolished. She says she has so many memories in that building. She had spent all her life there. She has lived in 14th floor and she also have lived in 12th floor. One of her sister lived in 9th floor and another one lived in 7th floor. She likes and misses when she walked up and down the stairs. She also misses when her grandmother comes to her and tell to to make the volume down. She misses everything happened in there because she has spent her life there.

Brittany lives in Cabrini-Green, a public housing project that has been under redevelopment for more than ten years. So far, the demolition has outpaced the construction of new buildings. She has moved to new building so she and her friends had been separated. She is  saying that it is very hard for her to get along with new people because some people want to fight you and etc. It is not going to be same.

So I think that in Chicago, they have many building demolished so may people have to move. In my opinion, it is giving some ideas how people in Chicago is living.

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